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PRC provides the following services.

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NC Waiver

NC Waiver:

PRC provides services to persons being served through the NC Innovations Waiver in the Sandhills Center areas.

PRC provides the following services:

Community Guide- Provides support and assistance in locating community services and resources for the people served, and to their natural supports; in order to promote community inclusion, independence, self-determination, and develop social networks to implement their needs and person-centered plan.

Community Living and Supports – Provides individualized or group supports to enable them to successfully reside in their own home, or the home of their family member or natural supports and be an active member in their community by supporting them to learn new skills or activities that are individualized with their personal preferences.

Community Networking – Provides support to individualized activities during the day to build social capital in the community to fulfill the person's definition of a meaningful day.

In Home Skill Building – Provides support and skill building of an array of services to enable the person served to participate, gain, maintain, and increase independence in order to maintain and increase community stability and independence. Some examples of skill building services are community services such as grocery shopping and personal banking; training and development of social skills; transportation support; training with therapeutic exercises; and transferring in and out of mobility devices.
Personal care – Provides support, supervision, and assistance in dressing, bathing, eating, personal hygiene, and other daily activities in order to maintain and increase community stability and independence.

Respite care – Provides individualized scheduled support and respite to the primary caregiver to relieve them from stress and responsibility of care-giving.
Support Employment – Provides support and assists in choosing employment opportunities, acquiring, and maintaining jobs for people ages 16 and older; including, but not limited to transportation, coaching, job task assistance, job shadowing, and training.

Supported Living – Provides a partnership that facilitates the person being served to reside in their own home with support that provides individualized assistance that is under the control and responsibility of the person being served. These services may include, but are not limited to direct assistance with daily household chores that are imperative to their personal health and safety, daily living, budget management, attending appointments, and interpersonal and social skill building to enable the individual to live in a home in the community.


We are more than happy to be of assistance regarding any information on the services we provide. Please e-mail Mashunda Famble at with any service related questions.

Continued Education

Continued Education:

We value continuing education for all consultants, individuals we provide services for, and their families by providing free and scholarly based training opportunities in various areas of interest throughout the year. Beginning in 2017, PRC will hold quarterly educational seminars.



We provide pro bono case consultations and advocacy for families and individuals we provide services for in our catchment area. 

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